It’s Been over 5 years, and the White Trash Problem in Canada Is Worse Than Ever

So it’s been over 5 years since I posted here, and I had hoped that I have abandoned this blog, after all, it’s not a very nice blog, I admit. However, in these years the white trash problem in Canada has grown worse and worse and worse. You have these uneducated, ill-informed self-entitled white trash Canadians screaming about about their failed lives, blaming it on Trudeau, blaming it on foreigners, blaming it on everything under the sun. Never do they even considered that they are failures in life because they are incompetent, lazy, and expect everything in life to be handed to them. They expect that super model girlfriend, the big ass pick up truck, and that white picket fence house handed to them on a silver platter. And when no one gives it to them and they are working in that dead end job because they never worked to get an education, never worked to train and improve themselves, they rail and rage, looking for someone to blame. That is pathetic.

So you get these white trash Canadians, the weakest people in society, raging about how they had to wear a simple medical mask during a worldwide pandemic because it is too much of a burden for them to take. And you get white trash politicians like Conservative Poilievre stoking them on, telling them that their failed lives is not their fault: “It’s the government, it’s immigrants, it’s GATEKEEPERS!” These whiny weak pathetic excuses for human beings.

So even though what I write is not nice, it is honest at least. It needs to be said. It needs to be put out there because too many people just ignore these white trash elements in society. And the more people ignore it, the bolder and louder and more abrasive these white trash Canadians become whereby even when they are waving Nazi Flags in the Truckers Convoy and shouting death threats to minorities on the street, they get away with it. So I’m putting it out there in this blog, even though not many people will read it, and I’m just shouting into the wind. But at least it is out there.

And to the Canadians who are white and are not trash, I know there are still some out there, – well, I would apologize but I won’t. Because their silence is what allows the white trash in Canada to grow unchecked.

Can’t wait half a minute

So I was driving and I came to a crosswalk, and a class of children were being gathered by the teacher to cross the very busy street.  So naturally, as a decent human being, I stop to allow them to cross safely.  But once again, the ugly white trash Canadian rears it ugly head.  The white trash in the car behind me couldn’t wait half a minute and begins honking his horn.  It was some old guy with white hair who was feeling too important to be held up for half a minute so school children could cross the street.  I mean come on, it’s children for God sakes.  That’s the type of Canadian white trash you constantly have to deal with in Canada.

Canadian White Trash Midlife Crisis

So, I’m sitting in a cafe doing some work and this white trash Canadian sits in front of me. He has gross ruddy skin (being in the sun too long), a long ugly red beard like dripping seaweed falls pass his neck, tattoos all over his arms and legs, and old, probably in his late thirties or forties.  He has ear buds in his ears and a laptop in front of him.  That all good and fine, but he starts swaying and bobbing around in his seat, I guess to the music in his ears.  He thinks himself as really cool or something.  All I see is white trash trying too hard to preserve his youth that is long gone.  This is the typical stunted growth mentality of too many men in Canada.  The type that buys motorcycles and muscle cars, forever stuck in a midlife crisis.  Disgusting.

Canadian Gas Guzzlers

Another reason Canadians are such white trash is because they are hypocrites.  When it comes to talking the talk about preserving the environment and being responsible to the world, their voice is loud, incredibly loud.  They trumpet their support for green by insulting other countries and strutting around like they are so unapproachable in their stance on the environment.  However, when it comes to walking the walk, Canadians are lame ducks.  Canada is ranked 4th in CO2 emissions Per Capita.  2 out of every 3 vehicles sold in N.America is a large truck or SUV over mid to small size cars, so that Ford decided to stop production of gas friendly vehicles and only produce trucks and SUVs.  Canadians are just disgusting backwards and as a people, just repugnant.

Easy Riders Wannabes

When spring and summer rolls around to Canada, all the middle-aged, pot-belly, rubesque, wrinkle-skinned white trash Canadians dust off their motorcycles from their garages and rev them up and down a street or two around their neighbourhood aping the likes of old outdated movie personas of rebels, or easy riders, or whatever.  These old and flabby, maturity-stunted Canadians really don’t know how utterly silly they look to anyone with an ounce of intelligence. Instead they think themselves looking cool and they strut around as if there are paragons of a lifestyle of easy freedom and road warriors, or something dumb like that. When in fact, they are the complete opposite.  At best they take a road trip on their bikes maybe once a year, if even. Most of the time they rev their engines noisily up and down the same streets around town trying desperately to draw attention to themselves. Just pathetic people. Easy riders wannabes – overweight, old, sun-burnt, and wrinkled. Canadians need to grow up.

Fat is Neither Healthy nor Beautiful (stop fooling yourselves)

I was hopping to be done with this Blog, but Canadians have become so repugnant and disgusting that I can’t help but need some place to vent.  So here it is to the world.

Now when I say fat, I don’t mean a little bit of chunk on your bones.  Healthy muscles and fat is one thing, but when your belly rolls over your pant waist, when your arms flab and flops around like a jelly roll, and you can barely walk without imitating a waddling goose, and your butt size overwhelms your circumference area, you are disgusting.  Canadian obesity problem is only second to the USA and it has become ridiculous.

And in order to make themselves feel better about their excessive pounds and pounds of fat they carry around with them, they try to make their obesity normal by inserting they are beautiful, that they are still healthy and active.  They  prance around in t-shirts and shorts displaying their flab and jiggle proudly to the world.  They would even go so far to shame the healthy, slim people whom taken steps to take care of their bodies.  They would say, “If I eat healthy like her, I rather die.”  or “She/he is so vain to exercise so much.  I’m too good for that.”

News Flash – NO, fat is the opposite of attractive.  It is ugly.  And being on the edge of Diabetes is not healthy.  Get some self-respect.

Yes, the obesity problem in North America has a lot to do with the Country selling out their food supply for the almighty dollar.  The country allows corporation to poison their food supply in order to increase profits.  It is more expensive and more inconvenient to eat healthy food over processed and sweetened foods.  However when it comes down to it, it is not impossible to choose to eat healthy.  Canadians have to take responsibility for their decisions.  And most Canadians are too weak, too overly self-indulgent not to stuff their fat faces with foods that are clearly unhealthy.  This is what make Canadians Pathetic!

Pill Popping, Drug-addled, Canada

You all hear about Canadian Medicare, and in that sense, Canada is above average and is worthy of praise, no matter how much slavering corporate lap dogs in the United States want you to believe in the contrary.  Canadian Health Care is an envy to most nations and should be protected.

However, the medical professionals prevalent in white trash Canada, and influenced greatly by the States, are worthy of condemnation.  The doctors in Canada are not interested in curing the ills of their patients, but in simply treating them.  Why?  Because of profit.  The medical professionals of Canada are so deeply in bed with Pharmaceutical companies so that they make money if patients pop pills.

So the only thing Canadian doctors do with patients is prescribe pills, pills, pills, burdening heavy costs (billions) on both patients and the health care system.  Even the most simple of ills that could be treated with proper diet and exercise, the Canadian doctors will prescribe pills.  And because these pills cause side effects, the doctor prescribe more pills to counter that.  It goes on and on and on in a vicious circle with no end in sight.  No effort will be made to get patients off these medications.

The Canadian doctors and pharmaceutical industries are ghouls, making profit off of human pain and suffering.  How do they sleep at night?  Ghouls!  I wish there actually is a Biblical Hell cause Canadian doctors would surely burn there in the end.

Shiny Baubles and Toys – Necessities?

Canadians love to buy things.  They like it so much that they go into debt to do so.  They believe having pretty baubles and shiny toys to be necessities like food and shelter.  If they are ever denied such frivolous things then they act as if they are being deprived, and life is soooooo unfair to them. So it is the immigrants fault, it is the governments fault, it is the fault of China or Russia, it is always someone else’s fault.

And the stupidest thing of all about this, as much as Canadians love to consume for the sake of consuming, they hate to take responsibility for their junk.  So when they use up whatever it is they wanted and craved at one point in time, they refuse to dispose of them responsibly afterwards.  So everywhere you go in Canada, in the city, in the suburbs, you will see their garbage furtively dumped outside.  Couches and mattress dumped on the side of the road.  TV and electronics chucked into dumpsters instead of being properly recycled.  They used their parks and hiking trails like garbage dumps, where they sneak into in the dark of night like criminals and chucking their useless things away.  They would even surreptitiously throw their junk into their neighbor’s yards.  What kind of people treat the country that they confess such patriotic zeal for and then use it as a trash dump because they don’t care  to pay to properly dispose of their garbage?  White trash kind of people, that’s what kind.